Saturday, June 03, 2006

ジラーチ!+ロッブ.網のログ's 4

Many of you may not have noticed two things about JRBnet Directories.

There is a new blog:
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The Essentials Of JRBnet

JRBnet Essentials

And you can get you non-JRBnet made site affiliated with JRBnet and put on this:
You thought before was rare.........Welcome to the future.....................The mysteries of the ancient have been renoun... Uncover them HERE!
Non JRBnet Made: Pokemon Cavern!!!!?_?
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
PLEASE NOTE: This web place is not made by JRBnet and JRBnet has no control nor responsibility for its content.


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